divorce — Family Law News and Information


Guide to Uncontested Divorce

Guide to Uncontested Divorce

Thinking about an uncontested divorce in Tulsa Oklahoma? It’s a smart, cost-effective way to end a marriage amicably. By agreeing on major issues like property division, child custody, child support, and alimony, you can avoid the lengthy and expensive court battles.

Latest Family Law Order Oklahoma Supreme Court

Oklahoma Supreme Court’s 2nd Order for Family Law Court

  • This Order applies to visitation and parenting time schedules for minor children, whether in divorce, separation, paternity or guardianship actions.

  • Specifically, custody and visitation time based on school scheduling shall not be affected by school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • The original school schedule shall control in determining visitation, parenting time or physical custody.

  • In addition, custody or visitation orders may be modified by written agreement if allowed by the assigned judge, but will not be enforced unless filed.

  • Courts also are allowed to modify orders and should use remote access for modification hearings, if possible.

If you have any questions call Boeheim Freeman Law at 918-884-7791 or visit our website at onyourworstday.com