Advance Directives in Tulsa
What is an Advanced Directive for Health Care?
Advance directives for health care (ADHC) are legal documents that specify advance medical instructions regarding your preferred medical treatment and your final wishes for life support. Formerly called a Living Will, within the Advance Directive, you name a trusted agent and empower him/her to direct your medical treatment and life support wishes. This is the best way to control all aspects of your personal care and medical treatment even if you become incapacitated.
An ADHC allows you to take the following two actions:
Appoint your health care agent
Direct the withholding / withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures
When is the Advanced Directive most important?
With an advance directive, you can insist upon receiving specific medical treatment or insist that certain medical treatment be withheld, even if you are not consciously able to make verbally state directions at that time. If you have a terminal condition or are in a permanent unconscious state, the advance directive is very useful for providing instruction to your medical care provider and your family members.
Who should I select to be my Health Care Agent?
In your ADHC, you can appoint an individual to act on your behalf to make decisions regarding:
Consent to a specific type of health care
Refusal of a specific type of health care
Withdrawal of a specific type of health care
Appointing a health care agent is not something to be taken lightly. You want to choose someone you can trust will follow your wishes when you are incapacitated.
These are difficult decisions…
At Boeheim Freeman Law, we understand that making these decisions ahead of time can be very difficult. Allow us to help put your wishes into writing. That way a doctor, or judge, you do not even know does not start making decisions for you. Stay in control of your life even when you are unable to speak for yourself. Let the Advanced Directive speak for you!